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Re: 5KVA or bigger PT for sale?
Original poster: "Godfrey Loudner by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <ggreen-at-gwtc-dot-net>
Hello Adam
I'm not positive, but I think a 5kVA PT would be at least as heavy
and cost more than a 5kVA pole pig. Why search for an expensive
PT, when there are plenty of cheaper pole pigs available. Right now,
there is a 5kVA pole pig (#2536966849) on ebay, with free shipping.
Not many have taken advantage of this super deal. With one day left
and no bids yet, you can get this for as low as $225. If I had to choose
between a pig and a PT, I'll get the pig every time.
Godfrey Loudner
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 4:38 PM
Subject: 5KVA or bigger PT for sale?
> Original poster: "Adam Britt by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>"
> Does anyone have a 5KVA (or bigger) potential transformer for around
> $100-175? please contact me off list at beans45601-at-aol-dot-com
> Thanks
> Adam