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Re: Practical Magnifier Design ? ?
Original poster: Chris Roberts <quezacotl_14000000000000-at-yahoo-dot-com>
Try this site:
That site seemed to spell it out nice and simple. Good luck!
Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
Original poster: "Mccauley, Daniel H"
One of my winter projects this year will be my first magnifier design.
I wanted to find out if anyone had
some good practical information on the design of magnifiers. Some of
the keys I've read about so far have been close coupling between primary
and secondary, good gap quenching, and proper impedance matching betwen
secondary and resonant coils.
I've tried searching some of the pupman archives, but it seems the
server hasn't been working lately and I'm trying to order both of
Richard Hull's videos on Magnifier design also. And I did find some
good theoretic information on magnifiers from Antonio Carlos M. de
Queiroz's webpage.
But if anyone has any very practical information or a resource I could
tap (without being too overwhelmed with "super hardcore" t! heory) I'd
appreciate it. By practical information, I mean general rules, design
equations, rules of thumb, construction tips, etc...)