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Re: freak show with tesla coil, please explain
Original poster: PLUGHzz-at-aol-dot-com
last night I was at a local amusement park and they had a halloween setup
thing going there with a sort of a freak show with guys putting spiks
through their arms and fire eating and the likes, but then they brought
this girl in a bikini out put her on a table around 3 feet high where she
sat then they dragged a ground cable around the table then wheeled out a
Large Tesla coil and a pole pig. only chain mail she had on was gloves and
she proceeded to hold her hands up and shoot out 4 foot arcs.
My question is this : I had read somewhere about misconceptions of the skin
effect and that people would have aches and pains for the rest of their
life if they tried this kind of thing, she does shows like 8 times a day.
After the show was over I went up to the guy and asked to see his TC setup
and he showed me all his components, a very very very very nice setup!