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Re: Meters
Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp-at-pacbell-dot-net>
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "John Richardson" <jprich-at-up-dot-net>
> Hello,
> Does anyone have a source, outside of e-Bay, for ammeters and volt meters?
> Browsing thru Digikey and others, it seem to be about a 70 dollar average
> for a single 0-150 volt or 1-50 amp meter for 120 volts AC. That is a
> little extreme, considering small budgets and no need for super duper
> accuracy. Where can a guy get a decent price on fair quality analog panel
> meters? Insight appreciated.
> John Richardson
Try C&H Sales - they have online ordering. Address is:
They have some fair (at least by today's standards) buys on meters and
are a reliable outfit. Most of their meters used to be under 5 bucks
but they do keep track of what the traffic will bear and prices are
higher now. Swap meets are a cheaper source but not necessarily
convenient for you.
I'm sure there are other plenty of places selling surplus meters but
haven't had occasion to use them as C&H is only about 5 minutes drive
and I can nose through their stock for what I want. For some reason I've
never understood why meters are so expensive!