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Re: The 1500t secondary myth (long)

Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <tesla111@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Yes, Marc's 3k coil would be one where Zo is probably near 96k. That's one coil that would have to be accounted for. The 36k number may be just one of those quantities that similar coils fall in and around because the coils are similar in many ways. Marc built outside the norm and I remember Marc being quite adoment about this coils performance. Marc's firing voltage was about 34kV and is probably the key to this coils success.

Take care,
Bart B.

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Mark Broker" <mbroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Length issues aside.... Marc Metlicka made a TC with 3000 secondary turns. I have no clue what the Zo is for this Tc is, but, as I recall, it vastly outperformed the "John Freau Efficiency Equation."
I also recall he was using a 33kV PT as a power source and that some thought the unusually high primary voltage could have been a player in the extraordinary performance. There are figures and measurements in the pupman archives for this beast - he called it the 3k coil.

Interesting theory!

Mark Broker
Chief Engineer, The Geek Group

Hence I think there is fairly good evidence for my theory. If anyone knows
of any good coils with Zo greatly different from 36k, please let us know.