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Re: ISSTCs, magnifiers, etc
Original poster: robert heidlebaugh <rheidlebaugh-at-desertgate-dot-com>
Steve,c: I have not been following your work, but in tube coils a double
tuned systen works well with the low voltage primary and the secondary and
the oscilator cycle rate ALL TUNED TO THE SAME FREQUENCY. This way
everything is locked to the same mode. If the oscilator is timed with a
feedback timing source no mode shift is allowed even if the timing is 1/10
of the output frequency. The oscilator can be 10 Khz and the output can be
100 Khz with both starting at the same starting time/mode..
Robert H
> From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 07:21:03 -0600
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: ISSTCs, magnifiers, etc
> Resent-From: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Resent-Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 07:28:46 -0600
> Original poster: "Steve Conner" <steve.conner-at-optosci-dot-com>
>> Steve has anyone yet figured out how to "self-resonate" a ISSTC magnifier?
> My plan (and I don't know if it will work) is to use primary current
> feedback, with a PLL driver whose frequency control range is limited to
> force it to lock on to the correct mode.
> I've already got this primary feedback/PLL driver circuit working with a
> 2-coil ISSTC made from the primary, tank cap, and secondary of my Tesla-2
> spark gap coil. It drives the system at its lower pole (~210kHz) and
> produces 23" arcs at 3 breaks per second with 300V DC supply, limited by my
> pathetic 150mA power supply. (Not to mention the ceiling, as the setup is
> sitting on quite a high table.) I hope to plug it into rectified 240V line
> and test it up to 400 bps this Saturday.
> Interestingly, Antonio's new sstcd calculator seems to say that this coil
> can't work, even though it was Antonio's idea to build it in the first place
> :)) I clocked the peak primary current at roughly 120A, with a 300V DC
> supply, and if I type this figure into sstcd, it says I need something like
> a 200pF tank capacitor and a coupling of 0.009? In fact, I have a 12.5nF
> tank and k=roughly 0.1.
> I think this is because the coil doesn't work in anything like quasi-CW
> mode. It rings up slowly, then when it breaks out, the discharge sucks the
> power much faster than the inverter can supply it, and the primary current
> plummets to 40A (peak). So it is obviously pretty badly mismatched. Yet it
> still seems to give bigger arcs than it did as a SGTC.
> An earlier picture (doing 16" arcs at 3bps, with secondary base current
> feedback, and probably poor tuning)
> http://scopeboy-dot-com/tesla/dw-isstc/drsstc_yay.jpg
> Some information (will be updated later)
> http://scopeboy-dot-com/tesla/dw-isstc/dw-ipix.html
> Steve C.