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RE: LED at 60 HZ? (was RE: Radio Shack Strobes)

Original poster: "Ian McLean" <ianmm-at-optusnet-dot-com.au> 

Hi Terry, Dave

As an experiment, I built this simple LED strobe to compare it to my xenon
flash tube based strobe which I have already built.  The xenon strobe is
built around a UJT based zero-crossing detector, an SCR and a trigger

The reason I did the comparison is because of the inherent problems with
xenon flash based strobes - i.e. short run times, about 10 seconds max.,
before things start overheating and the strobe starts to flicker.  Both the
tube, and the series load resistor on the xenon positive output gets very
hot very quickly.

The LED strobe works reasonably well, but there is some smearing of the
image of the SRSG platter - about an inch or so at the platter electrodes in
my case.  The xenon strobe leaves the platter image rock steady stationary.

Is the smearing really caused by LED persistence, or is it something to do
with the type of LED I was using (a water-clear ultra-bright 5mm red LED)?


 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
 > Sent: Monday, 1 March 2004 2:13 pm
 > To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
 > Subject: RE: LED at 60 HZ? (was RE: Radio Shack Strobes)
 > Original poster: "Dave Kyle" <dave-at-kyleusa-dot-com>
 > Hi Terry,
 > I had been looking for a way to easily check my SRSG timing
 > so I built your
 > LED strobe and it works great! Thanks for posting the schematic.
 > Dave
 > Terry LED Strobe
 > http://home.socal.rr-dot-com/dkyle/images/Strobe.jpg
 > Inside
 > http://home.socal.rr-dot-com/dkyle/images/Strobe_inside.jpg
 > =========================================
 > Dave Kyle
 > Austin, TX USA
 > Email: dave-at-kyleusa-dot-com
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
 > Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 5:49 PM
 > To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
 > Subject: Re: LED at 60 HZ? (was RE: Radio Shack Strobes)
 > Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-twfpowerelectronics-dot-com>
 > Hi,
 > You can't use just straight AC since the sine wave voltage
 > will spear the
 > image.  You need very fast bright "short pulses" to freeze an object's
 > motion.  Here is a simple circuit for an LED strobe that works ok.
 > http://hot-streamer-dot-com/TeslaCoils/Misc/STROBE.ZIP
 > Cheers,
 >           Terry