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RE: Winding primary
Original poster: Yurtle Turtle <yurtle_t-at-yahoo-dot-com>
You can also use the water pipe analogy here. Most
houses have either a 5/8" or a 3/4" service line
running from the meter to the house. Not a problem if
your house is fairly close to the street. If, however,
your house is several thousand feet away, you will
need to upsize this pipe or you will experience a real
problem getting enough water for a shower, due to
friction loss. A short run of small pipe is OK, but to
go long distances you need to increase the pipe
diameter to get the same volume out.
--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: Terry Fritz
> <teslalist-at-twfpowerelectronics-dot-com>
> Hi Luke,
> Simply think of "loss" as how "hot" it gets. The
> streamers are hot and
> account for about 70% of the energy of a coil. The
> gap is hot and accounts
> for the other about 30%. The leads of the caps are
> pretty darn cold
> ;-))) and they account for a little more than 0%
> percent loss....
> Cheers,
> Terry
> At 09:34 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote:
> >Two strings in parallel (such as what I am
> building) still seems there
> >is little cross sectional area. Are you saying
> that because the leads
> >are so short they offer almost no resistance like
> say the ohm per 1000
> >feet of wire charts would indicate?
> >
> >thanx
> >
> >Luke Galyan
> >Bluu-at-cox-dot-net
> >http://members.cox-dot-net/bluu
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
> >Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 7:22 PM
> >To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> >Subject: RE: Winding primary
> >
> >Original poster: Terry Fritz
> <teslalist-at-twfpowerelectronics-dot-com>
> >
> >Hi Luke,
> >
> >The key is those leads are very short and normally
> in parallel. The
> >loss
> >from the skinny leads is trivial. They do make
> those caps with big
> >strap
> >leads, but the cost is stunning for the special
> order...
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> > Terry
> >
> >At 07:48 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote:
> > >On the note of not needing a big honkin primary
> coil.....
> > >I was starting on building my MMC the other day
> and it hit me that we
> > >talk about all this high power and current in the
> tank circuit and use
> >a
> > >heavy gauge for the primary when in reality as
> far as wire size goes
> >the
> > >weak link seems to be the leads coming from the
> caps in the MMC. They
> > >are so small compared to what is suggested for
> the primary.
> > >
> > >
> > >Luke Galyan
> > >Bluu-at-cox-dot-net
> > >http://members.cox-dot-net/bluu
> > >