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RE: Magnetic quenching.
Original poster: Marco.Denicolai-at-tellabs-dot-com
Hi Dave,
> Original poster: "David Thomson" <dave-at-volantis-dot-org>
> Hi Marco,
> Today I built a spark gap out of two 3/4" diameter tungsten
> carbide balls
> (ordered through McMaster Carr). The balls were brazed to
> 1/8" thoriated
> tungsten welding rods. I have a photo of the spark gap, but
> my host is
> being hit with a denial of service attack.
Great setup! I would like to find here in Finland tungsten carbide balls
that easily.
Would you please tell me what alloy did you use for the brazing? Did you
do it yourself?
> spark. At 2/10"
> gap it fired at 85 volt on the variac. The spark didn't
> extinguish until
> the potential was down to 48 volt on the variac.
> I then tried the experiment with the magnets. At 2/10" the
> gap fired at 82
> volt on the variac and extinguished at 55 volt. The spark
> window is much
> smaller with the magnets.
I imagined the magnets oppose to the spark formation, therefore
facilitating its quenching but also rising the triggering voltage of the
gap. You experienced just the opposite of this: a decreased voltage
> With the magnetic quenched gap, the spark looked like a
> circular plane. The
> perimeter of the circle moved up and down while the center
> remained more or
> less between the closest points of the spheres. The circular
> plane was a
> light blue color. In the center of all this there were two
> distinct yellow
> sparks that joined parallel to each other between the
> spheres. In other
> words, there were two distinct types of sparks occurring
> between the spheres
> at the same time.
I guess the plane was parallel or perpendicular to the the magnets
faces, was it?
Interesting stuff, I'll try to replicate myself your experiment, even if
I have only two of those ring magnets available. I want to try with a
diverging field also.
Best Regards