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Re: Improvement to audio modulated SSTCs?
Original poster: "Eastern Voltage Research Corporation" <dhmccauley-at-easternvoltageresearch-dot-com>
The hiss is a property of the plasma and its operating frequency. Hiss is
present up to about 3MHz and then it almost disappears.
> Hello all,
> I have never witnessed any kind of SSTC in operation (there just aren't
> that many coilers in Australia, and most of them are 000s of kms away),
> I have been looking at some schematics for audio modulated SSTCs. Many
> pages out there claim that the output has a distinct hiss or buzz, in
> addition to the music.
> Is it possible that this may be due to ripple in the HV supply? In regular
> audio amps (a tangent I took for the last year or two, while taking a
> from TCs) a supply ripple of only a few mV can cause substantial hum at
> speaker, particularly when dealing with the single-ended class a amps I
> fiddling with. I have never heard a SSTC, so I can't say if the hiss is
> result of a 50/60/100/120 Hz ripple, or purely the nature of a spark
> discharge, but one would assume that because the TC "amplifies" the input
> voltage, any ripple in the input voltage would cause ripple in the output.
> Anyway, back on topic, has anyone tried properly regulating the HV supply
> on the AMSSTC? This can be done easily with a N channel mosfet follower
> "biased" by zener diodes, with significant current ability:
> http://www.passdiy-dot-com/images/projects/zv3-f2.jpg
> paralleling devices in this configuration is easy for more current if you
> See the full article at http://www.passdiy-dot-com
> Just thought this might interest you all. I might be barking up the wrong
> tree, but a properly regulated supply is the only way for true 100% cw
> operation right?
> Sorry for all these "thinking out loud" posts lately, but it is clear that
> with the new developments of DRSSTCs, OLTCs, etc, SSTCs are going to
> become real contenders in the coiling arena, so info like this won't go
> astray. Also the availability of "production" SSTC boards (thanks Dan) has
> encouraged more people to construct these than ever.
> BTW, this "thinking out load" is going to pay off.......Just wait till you
> guys see the SS based coil I am already constructing :) It's going to
> really be pushing the envelope in SSTC design..........No new ideas
> just the old ones taken to the extreme.
> Cheers,
> Greg Peters
> Department of Earth Sciences,
> University of Queensland, Australia
> Phone: 0402 841 677
> http://www.geocities-dot-com/gregjpeters