At 02:42 AM 11/30/2005, you wrote:
Hi Terry,
1. Your power equation is backwards E = P*t, P = E/t
2. Helical coil inductance inconsistant case type. Wheeler's formula???
3. Flat spiral inductance - same thing
4. Resonant Primary Capacitance. I like your formula better than mine.
5. Static gap LTR capacitance: shouldn't this be defining Cp_LTR
instead of Cres and maybe Cp_LTR=1.6*Cres
Fixed. The factor is really proven to be pi/2... The equation is
simplified assuming that... Losses play into it a little....
6. Sync gap LTR capacitance: would Cp_LTR=2.8*Cres be more in line
with current thinking (assuming they predict the same value. Cres
has already figured the line frequency.
The real value is "pi" but losses mess it up a bit... The equation
is sort of a "nice" value generator, and the chart uses a program
(MMCCalc) to do better...
7. Top voltage: maybe get rid of the 2 and add a 0.7 efficiency
factor (more intuitive??)
:-))) Your right, but "I" like the 2 factor since it looks cool and
it is my list of formulas :o))) - special "Terry" exception....
8. PFC: Doesn't the required PFC depend on where one is operating
wrt to Cres ex: STR operation can't use PFC cap. PF at Cres is
already 1.0. Does this formula assume 1.6*Cres for static or
2.8*Cres for SRSG, or what???
Hmmm.... Sounds like you know more then me there!!! Should I fix
9. Wire table: assume single build??? what about heavy or triple build???
There are like 100 wire coating types... I list "one" ;-)))
10. MMC chart seems to use 1.5*Cres and 2.6*Cres instead of the 1.6
and 2.8 numbers everyone likes to quote.
The chart is from MMC Power4 equations...
The equations are simpler versions...
Other formulas:
SRSG LTR caps for PPS 240(200)
Whaaa?? If someone is running double BPS, that is beyond "me"...
Any ARSG formula's
"no"... BPS is "~~about" 200BPS with a resonant cap....
Breakout table for various sizes of toroids (I think the results
from INCA could be normalized for various aspect ratios.
I really don't trust breakout voltages or formulas... I never have
seen them "work right"...
Q formula for secondary coil
PFC inductors for STR operation
????? I know nothing here...
Transformer impedance converion from pri to sec, sec to pri
I am not sure anyone needs that???
Secondary H/D recommendation?
That is more a "tip" rather than a basic formula... too wordy and
opinioned for this basics thing.
Maximum power vs secondary size table
:-)))) A very flexible table :o))
John Freau's spark length formula
I have a formula That predicts BPS for static gaps based on
applied_line_voltage/rated_line_voltage, Cp/Cres ratio, Vgap/Vs_oc_peak ratio.
?????? :-)))
Ballast design formula's (I have a set for gapped toroids that
could easily be converted to EI cores)
I think gapped toroids is getting beyond the "basics"????
MMC design formulas, tips, etc (series cap equations)
To messy here...
Peak primary current equation
They can figure that out from what is given if they really know that much...
Peak secondary current equation,
Who uses that :-)))
RMS primary current estimate equation (maybe assume a linear decay
in the energy transfer time)
Be nice if we knew of one??????? DRSSTCs really need that one bad!!!!
Energy transfer time based on K
Cool!! But I never used it or really cared???
Links to design programs
Links break after 3 years... I bet 70% of the Tesla links from
three years ago are broke. Broken old pages is what started this....
Thanks for your thoughts. I was a bad boy and did not use many of
them :oP but I considered them all ;-))))
My latest stab at it is at:
Great start,