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Original poster: "Qndre Qndre" <qndre_encrypt@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Hey Ed,

I've got a general question to RF ground: Why is stuff grounded to RF ground that unsafe? As far as I see any low-frequency or direct current will flow directly into the ground. The remaining voltage will be of the very high frequent kind for which the ground line will act like an inductor. This voltage is (in my opinion) too high frequent to cause any damage to personnel (high frequencies above 100 khz and even more above 200 khz do not cause muscle contractions or ions passing through membranes and tend to flow in the outer regions of a conductor - furthermore the nerves will not respond to high frequent current so it won't be painful (this is why a Tesla coil won't shock if the resonant frequency is high enough) - the worst it will do is that it may cause some heat to be generated in the tissue which is generally not too critical if the output current is not too high).

Using the mains greenwire-ground as a ground for RF stuff is not a good idea since the high frequency currents may cause severe damage to sensitive equipent on the mains. I couldn't think of a worse RF ground than mains-ground. But water pipes, as you mentioned them, are generally good RF grounds. Usually you just don't have a better one. I agree that it's better to have an RF ground seperated from just about everything but I would talk of water pipes being a "good enough" RF ground.

Maybe you can go and explain this a bit further.

Regards, Q.

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Original poster: Illicium Verum <sebas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello Ed,

I too think that touching the RF ground during operation isn't save.

I was therefore surprised that a list member used the radiator pipes as an rf grounding during a show in a school, the radiator system in the whole school building would therefore be unsafe to touch. I can think that even washing your hands can be dangerous, especially for young children.

I would perform these kind of shows outside.