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Re: Capacitor Size and BPS

Original poster: "Peter Terren" <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Power was 5kVA plus. I seem to recall using a smaller tap such as 4 turns. There was a rod on top of the toroid to direct sparks at right angles to the line to the camera. A leaf blower was used for cooling as the 3/8 tungsten rods get white hot. Certainly enough to shine through the yellow polypropylene after a 10 second run. It's position is not such that it will affect quenching. I'm sure it was hard on the caps but I don't usually max things out for long.
Peter  http://tesladownunder.com/

Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Peter, .... Well, I went through your specs. Hard to say what the power input is. I note you are not ballasting the MOT's, but you did mention 250V in, 220V at variac at 20A, so I'm guessing if 4 MOT's are series'd, then output is about 10kV @ 567mA. That was with 92nF cap (MMC & rolled), so say about 7.3 tap on the 14 turn primary? The toploads are certainly "goodly" sized for the coil and I see slight breakout points.

When I input the above transformer data and then ARSG info for the 9000 RPM motor (50 Hz), you are certainly at 1200 bps. In Javatc, the output spark length prediction for the RSG coil was 108", so I guess that actually is about what you are getting. I guess that is due to the 1380 joule*sec across the gap!

It doesn't appear to "me" that the gap losses have increased all that much (if at all) with a break rate 10 times the nominal 120 (or 100 in your neck of the woods). I did notice a blower? Is that additional cooling for the thoriated tungsten electrodes? ......