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Re: Terry's New Plane Wave Antenna

Original poster: "Dmitry (father dest)" <dest@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

>> >   Seems
>> > like calibrating at NST voltages with 60 Hz would work just fine if
>> > streamers and corona did not happen to distort the e-field from what
>> > exist at 60 Hz. Not sure about this so please comment.
>>i`m not sure too, but it appears to me that much stronger fields
>>(working coil) should have noticeably different configuration than
>>weaker ones (nst), coz they must interact with surroundings far more.

> I too believe that higher voltages result in higher fields that
> interact with surroundings far more.  If, however, the effect remains
> linear, then things should scale.  It is the non linear effects that
> I worry about.

interaction means more distortion, so when i`ve said "noticeably
different configuration" i meant non linearity.

> I'm not sure what you mean by "flat top".  My concern is lingering
> reflections affecting measurements.  If both ends are unterminated
> then reflections can linger for a "long time"  Every transition can
> initiate a series of reflections so if they dont die quickly, the
> voltage measured can include a lot of "history".

Terry said, that the source end is terminated, so "That damps the
system (Q=0.7071..) so it does not ring or distort at the frequencies
we are working in.". btw Terry - why Q=0.707, why not Q=1?

but if Terry is right, then you can kill Blumlien effect just by
connecting 50 ohm in series with output of unballasted pig?

Let the bass kick! =:-D