Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <terry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From Bert Hickman
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Mike" <induction@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi All,
> I've been reading the thread with much interest once it came
into the area of polarity asymmetry.
> I had forwarded a few posts this thread to a friend at MIT and it got > his
attention because he's been dealing with this asymmetry for a while in his
specialty atmospheric electricity.
> Provided here is a link to a 2 meg PDF file Earle Williams did back in
October of 2005.
> www.hot-streamer.com/mike2004/Eindhoven_paper_revised.pdf
> There are some good examples, page 4 and 5 area of positive and negative
discharge pictures.
> In one, a two sided chamber, one of each polarity, has an equal charge,
with a triggered gap between them.
> This is a frontal view so you see the positive, the negative and the gap
tube view all at once.
> Also other good pictures, many good references, etc.
> Earle found interesting the comments of the charge left on balls to 30
feet away from a small ~ 15 or 20 watt coil.
> Is there direct references if this was in a text or were these > documented
experiments, this would be the charge of 4 volts on the ball I saw spoken
of. Is that a list member and who? The quoted messages in reply to can get
confusing, depending who is replying, what prior message parts were quoted
or clipped and so on.
> Earle found it interesting that in an RF environment of discharging > TC's,
this was yet another case of polarity asymmetry at work. He asked for more
or better data on the charged ball experiment, he hoped there were notes,
> Who do I follow this back to? The paper is a good read, hope it brings
something to you.
> Mike
Hi Mike,
There was considerable discussion about this back in 1996. Richard Hull
was the list member who originally performed the experiments. Check the
Pupman archives for the following threads and specifically the messages
from Richard:
Re: 3/4 wavelength secondaries (July, 1996)
Re: Addendum-DC Tesla (July-August, 1996)
Re: Tesla - DC (August, 1996)
Part of Richard's post of 7/30/96 is replicated below for your
convenience ("3/4 wavelength secondaries" thread) - this post describes
his experimental setup:
I would ask any of you who are "in-the-know" from the "doing" around big
coils, to considered that really big coils with really gigantic toroids
all produces major individual arcs at a rate almost two or three orders
of magnitude slower than the break rate!!!! This points to charging of
of the terminal or at least an ion cloud/terminal reaction related to a
charging effect or phenomenon. This one fact alone should be noted by
even the most skeptical of readers. The coil may never really stop
sparking, but the main bolts on my system never exceeds 2-3 major
outbreaks per second! MAX! (break rate, thus, ring downs = 500+/sec)
The emperical facts are that I have taken a calibrated Keithly 610
electrometer (DC only- input C= 10pf, input Z= 10 teraohms) connected it
to a 12" metallic ball (~10pf) and at a range of 10 feet charged the ball
to a negative DC CHARGE of 3 X 10 ^ -7 coulombs in just 5 seconds from a
microscopic 15 watt disruptive Tesla coil system! For the
math-enthralled, this is a voltage of approx. 7-12KV--DC---!!! This is
not theory, but emperical, experimental data obtained from calibrated
instrumentation! The humidity is a factor, the temperature is a factor.
Sparks must issue or an order of magnitude reduction in "charge
collection rate" is often noticed. this is due to the energy now going to
hertzian waves (RF) instead of ion waves (DC electric charging of air
I have used this same ball placed at a range of only 1 foot to collect DC
and charge a .5uf Maxwell Energy storage capacitor refernced to ground to
a voltage of 15KV (56 JOULES!!). The report was like a gun going off!
This was collected energy from the running 15 watt system mentioned
above. I have also used the ball to collect DC power for running a
number of electrostatic machines which only respond to DC voltages!! I
run capacitor motors, Franklin's bell's, Corona motors and electrostatic
induction motors as well. This stuff is DC.... period! In my considered
opinon, there is absolutely no form of rectification of the RF taking
place! We are actually making use of, and maximizing, the air/ion
losses attendant to normal Tesla coil operation!
I have assembled a lot of this on video for an upcoming report tape #53
(not ready yet) and have given a formal presentation of this information
at the Denver New Energy Symposium in April. I have published papers in
ESJ (Electric Spacecraft Journal) over the past three years. I also have
a more specific article on electrostatic instrumentation due to be
published in ESJ soon.
This has been a long post, but represents the promised discussion
concerning DC and Tesla coils promised a week or two ago. There is much
more to this and I will place most of the material on our tapes.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of
in your philosophy" (Hamlet)
Richard Hull, TCBOR"
Best regards,