>THOSE ARE SUPER COOL!!! Sell me one!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I'm not going to sell you one, that's FAR to easy.
I will of course give you any information you require to make one for
The Monopolar?? And Bipolar coils took me about 3 Hours to build each,
(excluding the 2KV PSU)
The Magnifier took me about twice as long, mostly trying to get it some
where in tune. I'm still not happy, but I've run out of small poly caps. So
it's the best I can do with what I have to hand.
The resonant peak of the non-magnifier coils is pretty wide, So tuning is
really easy once you are in the right ballpark. I didn't use any
calculations at all, I'm afraid that most of the TC design programs are a
long way out from reality with such small coils, probably due to stray
inductance and capacitance. When your topload is 0.5pF yes 500fF and your
primary is 140nH, exact measurement becomes tricky.
Have fun building them.. You wont upset the neighbours. You can run them on
your desk. You don't need an RF earth (any bigger than the SLA that powers
them). They cost very little to build and the only dangers are RF burns and
a nasty bite from a 1nF primary cap at about 2Kv
They are almost the perfect TC, if only they gave 10' sparks not 15mm sparks