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Re: 7.1Hz, Frequency variation and Q

Original poster: "Harold Weiss" <hweiss@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi All,

What if he was thinking of using two coils to get a beat frequency of 7Hz? Then you could use say a 100KHz coil and a 100.007KHz coil together and get a beat of 7Hz. I would think that might make it a lot easier to get the low frequency with much smaller size. From the drawings in his patents, the secondary and tertiary conductors were a foot in diameter or more. Great power handling, but high frequency. Might be worthwhile to analize a set of twins to see what beats they produce.

David E Weiss

I know many others, far latter, have proposed running coils at say 7.1Hz. However, all of "Tesla's" systems were designed to run at far far higher frequencies. I have never seen anything suggesting that Tesla was trying to run his coils at say less than 40kHz. He thought it would work fine at the higher frequencies...

Once the Schumann resonances become understood, everyone jumped on those as being what Tesla was trying to do. Perhaps a way to finally "repair" Tesla's idea. But "Tesla" never tried to run into those resonances at all and he thought the earths resonances were at far higher frequencies dictated by two concentric spheres...


I forget this moment if Tesla quoted the operating frequency of the Wardenclyffe coil...

