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Re: ScanTesla - Tesla's Colorado Springs Coil

Original poster: "Mike" <mikev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

HI Terry,
               Nice to see your results and those in you other report
released 18 minutes earlier. When I asked Bob about if he had tried
connecting the extra coil as grounded, per your request, I passed on that
answer to you.
I had also re-visited the question to him about the two turn primary and why
he had wired both turns in parallel, in effect making it one turn with
greater surface area. He said two turns was more power loss, after all that
extra turn = 153 more feet. He said something about Tesla having to do the
same in the notes. I do not have the notes but I assume you do, maybe you or
somebody else remembers this mention of the 2 turn primary being strapped
together as one.
It seems to me this would change the ratio in the computer model and the
working coil. By what I got from Bob, they both ran into a like situation
and taking his Que. from notes, Bob solved it the same way Tesla did.
Just thought I would add the input, if it's important.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 2:02 AM
Subject: ScanTesla - Tesla's Colorado Springs Coil

> Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > Hi All, > > BTW - If Tesla had 155kW, maybe he had 174kW and just cranked up the BPS to > get 32 foot streamers... This is with 153nF primary and Fo = > 53.4kHz.... The Freau number is only 0.92 so the coil would not have been > at all efficient by today's standards. However, if he could keep the > primary caps charged, the streamer were his!! > > > Cprimary = 1.530000e-007 > Lprimary = 5.800000e-005 > Rprimary = 3.000000e+000 > K12 = 0.550000 K23 = 0.053200 K13 = -0.029200 > Csecondary = 1.500000e-009 > Lsecondary = 9.622000e-003 > Rsecondary = 6.100000e+000 > Ltertiary = 1.591100e-002 > Ctertiary = 3.317500e-010 > Rtertiary = 9.400000e+000 > Cload = 3.200000e-011 > Rload = 2.200000e+005 > BPS = 1832.000000 > Dwell Time = 3.000000e-003 > > Ilprimay Maximum = -1748.185776 > ICprimary RMS = 220.362714 > VCprimary Maximum = 35200.478117 > VCsecondary Maximum = -170503.427770 > VCtertiary Maximum = 525951.477182 > Coil Power = 174637.021320 Primary Bang Energy = 95.325885 > Load Power = 25490.985597 Load Bang Energy = 13.914293 > Primary F0 = 53426.954583 > Load Energy Rise Time (Sec) = 2.221725e-004 > > Cheers, > > Terry > > >