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Re: Resistors For Terry Filter
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: Resistors For Terry Filter
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 05 May 2005 17:37:42 -0600
- Delivered-to: testla@pupman.com
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- Resent-date: Thu, 5 May 2005 17:37:48 -0600 (MDT)
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Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
The resistors actually have a very high peak standoff voltage and the
current through them is very limited. They normally hardly every have more
that 240mA * 10000 = 240 Volts across them.
At 01:02 PM 5/5/2005, you wrote:
The resistors for the Terry Filter are only rated for 1000VAC. How can
they last in a 12KV+ situation? I know most NSTs are secondary midpoint
ground so each side sees 6KV (in a 12KV NST) but am I missing something
else here?