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RE: transformer location
Original poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@xxxxxx>
The reason to not put the NST in very close proximity to the primary
coil is that eddy currents will be induced in large conductive objects
from the primary's magnetic field, resulting is losses. But the field
falls off rapidly with distance. I'm sure some measurable loss occurs
if the NST is within 6-8" of the primary, but it's not clear if it's
terribly significant. IMO, the convenience of a neat package outweighs
any "small", theoretical loss.
I can't see any reason to not put the protection filter near the
primary, except that it should always be kept close to the NST that it's
protecting. It's just big metal objects that you need to watch.
Regards, Gary Lau
> Original poster: "MakingLightning" <MakingLightning@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Does it hurt to put your main power transformer and protection filter
> the teslacoil?
> Some people have said not to put metal or protection filters under it
> they should be put aside somewhere.
> This makes sense but I have seen many coils that have everything but
> variac under one. In practice has anyone found out if it really makes
> of a difference?
> It sure would make for a neat package to have everything except the
> under the coil.
> Kevin