Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi Steve,Thankyou for your insights. What happens if the load is a PIG where the SG is firing??? It seems like the load wont limit the current then, but maybe this never happens when the SR voltage is near zero crossing when the current is max. The thing that makes this less obvious to me is that the voltage on the PIG primary may be at its max (when the SG fires) when the SR voltage is at its min. It may require a spice simulation to see all the interations when having a non linear load like a SG.
Gerry R
Original poster: Steve Conner <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>If the knee is abrupt does the current go to infinity when the saturation point is reached or do things still behave rationally.It would, but for the fact that you use the SR in series with a load, and the load limits the current.