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Re: Capacitor Question

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Are you using the CDE 940 or 942 series caps (942 is the prefered series)?? Also, are there any significant differences in the string construction (or how you connect multiple strings together)?? A picture would help us compare.

Gerry R

Original poster: mileswaldron@xxxxxxxxxxx
Dear All,
I have used the exact same "value" caps from Cornell (CDE), and TDK (laser pulse) on my coil at 14-15nF. I am using an 8 inch sphere as a topload. I am getting great results from both, but there is a very big difference between the two. The CDEs create thinner spiker whiter arcs, sometimes multiple, that jump around like quanta. However, the TDKs create one big thick bluish arc that rolls slowly around the ball. I like the TDK's effect much better. Is there another parameter having to do with a capaicitor, like how fast it can discharge, or how they are wired in parallel, that would explain this behavior? Why are some capacitors "better" in this way than others?