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Re: Capacitance HELP

Original poster: "Neal Namowicz" <mr_neal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

This is certainly one part of the whole process I can identify with, since math is NOT one of my strong points. (Geometry, yeah, but beyond that, I'm not so good). Let me be honest with you guys and humble myself by saying up front that I received some of my best answers from (sigh) my son's girlfriend. Yeah, you heard me. Of course, at the moment she is going for her Phd in Chemistry, with a fellowship at the Getty Museum, so she knows her stuff. Anyway, to get to your questions- MY answer is to go to Radio Shack or some place similar and get a decent digital multimeter. I think you'll get plenty of use out of it. I won't type out the entire page of info that this girl wrote down for me in a matter of minutes, but in a nutshell it goes

pico-/nano-/microfarad (I won't even start with all the "1 X 10 to the -x power stuff)

For example, I have a 3300 pf cap in front of me now. With my meter set on nf, I get (approximately) 3.3 nf. Set at 0.000 uf, I get 0.003 uf, and so on.

When I'm working on the coils, just to keep things straight in my own head, I personally stick with uf's, and break it down from there. I hope you've been able to get a little bit of basic help from one who is "mathematically-challenged" :)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:10 PM
Subject: Capacitance HELP

Original poster: Allan & Sandra <allan_sandra@xxxxxxxxx>

HI List
Al Scott
Ok Here goes
UF - what does the u stand for if the f stands for Farads
i know there is nanofarads =NF
Picofarads = PF
When you use the capacitance formula for a plate type cap your answer is in Picofarads, now if i wanted to make a cap with a value of 30NF my problem is i would like to know what all of the different units are - UF,PF,NF,MF,F,MFD, ect.and in what order and where they are
before and after the decimal point.
How many PF's are in a UF or NF
which one of these is closest to the right of the decimal point and what ones are the farthest
and what ones are in between and in what order and what ones did i mis if any.

Like a metric ruler you have MM CM ect. right up to Km or what ever is before MM
I have always hated metric
Thanks in Advance