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Re: MOT powered coil
Original poster: "S&JY" <youngsters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
No. MOTs are designed to withstand full voltage indefinitely. In fact,
they must withstand much more than the 1,800 volts or so due to turn-on and
turn-off transients that spike up the secondary voltage.
NSTs, on the other hand, are designed to spend most of their life running at
perhaps 20% of their no-load output. They only need full output voltage for
the fraction of a second it takes to ionize the gas in the "neon" sign.
Running them in Tesla Coil service lets the secondary spend much more of
it's time at higher voltages, and this accelerates voltage breakdown through
the potting compound.
--Steve Y.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 12:20 AM
Subject: MOT powered coil
> Original poster: "Gates" <ryker@xxxxxxx>
> If I use MOT'S as a power supply for my new coil does the RSG have to
> be a synchronous one?
> Thanks
> Gates