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Re: ScanTesla7.62 :-))
Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi dest,
At 10:08 AM 6/14/2006, you wrote:
and this two ckts is just the same from circuit theory point of view.
don`t know if it has something to do with a real discharge dynamics -
probably not much at best.
If they are "too close", then there is no advantage of one over the
other. If course, if there is a better model, I will be the first to
change to it too ;-))) The model is only good as an "average" to
make the rest of the model give reasonable "average"
numbers. However, my best dynamic models do not do that much
better. But they kick at streamer hits!!!!
Yes, I do have better ones than V7.62... :-))) They never stop
getting better ;-)) But this "afternoon" I gutted the program from
this "morning"... Strike capacitance is useless... Seems to be a
Vbr to ground of the leader tip x 1.3 thing... But this night is
still young :-)))
you can read in details how and why our bleeding edge scientist
arrived at this in here:
"Still more to study here but the implications of such research may
impact our future coil designs greatly."
have you seen any impact in the last 7 years? : )
At the time (98 - 99), many did not "believe" a linear circuit model
"could" be used for Tesla coils!!! =:O John Couture and Richard
Hull among them. Richard said it would simply drive me
nuts... %:o)) But only John's constant mentioning of "empirical"
was ever close to doing that ;-))) At the time there was "NO"
model. The real answers seemed to be in things like this:
"In 1996 Corum and Corum published an analysis of Jovian plasma torus
signals which indicate that there was a correspondence between the
setting of Mars at Colorado Springs, and the cessation of signals
from Jupiter in the summer of 1899 when Tesla was there." -
wikipedia It's not a joke... They really DID publish that...
There were even direct assaults on linear models like this:
I spent far more time "defending" the models than using them ;-)))
Folks knew papers like this were "right":
I know you have been reading the old posts, so I hope it is all as
silly now as it was then...
"Lumped" models did certainly have problems, but then Paul arrived!!! :-)))
Even though the real time analysis of secondaries opened a vast new
frontier(!!), it also showed that the lumped models were not too bad
after all for many things.
Of course, that was all 7+ years ago.... Almost everything has
changed since... The "220k + 1pF/foot thing" has been used in
"practically every" linear model till just recently when a few others
like Dan and Steve(s) were able to make their own adjustments too
it. We knew a few years back that the capacitance really was a bit
higher than 1pF, but "1" was easy to remember. Without taking into
account the toroid diameter it still was hard to pin down the
number. But when you used the model as a streamer load, all the
current and voltages worked out right as far as one could tell. With
the DRSSTCs now and very capable "independent" people making very
good tests, any errors will now become clear!! Nobody need to trust
"me" anymore :-)) However, for 7 "long" years, the model did it's
job and "worked". If better models replace it, no one will be
happier than "me" because I am really tired of using at it too
:-)) All of the LTR stuff was based on it. MMCs relied on the
linear models for current and power estimations. Those models ended
those "1 million volt" Tesla coil claims. 1/4 wave stuff was going
out anyway. The OLTC "needed" that model. My rarely talked of "self
quenching" coils need it very much!
It did it's job then, and still is today!!! Like it or not, if you
have a linear Tesla coil model that needs a load, it IS "220k +
1pF/foot"... Steve Conner's is the "first" serious alternative!!
Rest assured this "bleeding edge scientist" is more than happy to let
"others" do the "bleeding" too!!!! I now see that I have company
;-))) I have been waiting so long too!!!! So bleed you suckers!!! >:O))))
i wonder at what values of R and C he`ll arrive, if i give to him
plot of I(t) in discharge of our big marx guy : D
It would just confuse me more than I already am %;-)) But your plot
is "dynamic". The R and C model was never meant to "go
there"... ScanTesla will do that, fairly soon now ;-)))) What is
the effective electrostatic radius of a leader tip anyway??? Tesla
coils seem to ignore it... Still bleeding.......... I even have a
critic now (again...) :o)))
Of course, the bottom line is we now have very stable solid state
coils that remove most of the "noise" and we have many folks that
have even better equipment than "me"!!! And they will "steal the
show" that I have been trying to "give away" for years :-)))