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Re: prony brake

Original poster: Yurtle Turtle <yurtle_t@xxxxxxxxx>

I'm not sure Tesla had access to rare earth magnets.
Ones of this size are scary strong. I have a couple
that can really mess up a TV or monitor form quite a

I've contacted several people using them, and they
seemed happy. I assume the mass of the copper disk is
sized to dissipate any heat. I've seen small scale
demos in conferences, where they deliberately misalign
the motor both angularly, and offset, and the pump is
happy, with no vibration induced, nor stress to it
bearings, due to a misaligned motor.

Anyone who's ever dealt with coupling a large motor or
engine to a pump, generator, compressor, blower, etc.
knows the fun and criticality of proper angular and
offset alignment, which still allows vibrations to be
transmitted from one device to another. I have no
stock in this product, but think it's pretty cool.


--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Original poster: Yurtle Turtle <yurtle_t@xxxxxxxxx>
> I'm not sure what a prony brake is, but would this
> work?
> http://www.magnadrive.com/
> I've been wanting to buy one at work for a while.
> It's
> a device that replaces a motor coupler and VFD at
> the
> same time. They use big high powered rare earth
> magnets in combination with a big copper disk to
> create eddy currents. What more could a mad
> scientist
> want?
> Adam"
>     An interesting product.  Any idea what the
> prices are?  One
> problem I wondered about is the heating due to slip
> and didn't find
> it mentioned at their site, although it might be
> there.  I would
> think this is the sort of thing that would have
> interested Tesla.
> Ed