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Re: COLOSSUS Tesla Coil For Sale on ebay
Original poster: David Brown <teslaboi@xxxxxxxxx>
Yes it includes the transformer, I checked the Tag, its a 10Kva Pig
but I have been running it at at over 15Kva/ 12 Kw Continuous now for
a year, it does not over heat..
Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Original poster: "Thomas Coyle"
David - the listing says "complete" - this includes the 15kVA pig?
On 5/5/06, Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Original poster: David Brown <teslaboi@xxxxxxxxx>
Most of you have probabily seen my Colossus ebay add? If not take a
look at Item # 7615236995. I hate to sell it for Parts but need the
Money to Complete Colossus II, a 40 foot Coil running at over a
100Kva, .8PF, input @ 480vac.