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Re: SISG first sparks!

Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


At 04:27 PM 5/13/2006, you wrote:
Hi Terry, Gerry, all;

If the SISG if it works as well as we all hope, it will suddenly give a new lease on life to all of those MOT's we we have laying around. Couldn't you connect the cores of two MOT's together, and bring out the HV secondary leads to double the voltage, and then make a full-wave bridge rectifier using two HV diodes on those leads in a center-tapped rectifier design? If that works, we may not need those hard to find NST's anymore.

Yes I "think" that will work fine. I would need to work it all out for sure, but it sounds fine.

Keep up the great innovations Terry!


On May 13, 2006, at 9:22 AM, Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Great job Terry,

Whats determining the 60BPS?? I would presume that you are full wave rectified.

No its just a single diode charging on every cycle. I ran grounding for scoping and the MOT has a grounded side. I just threw it all together to make something spark ;-))

Can your tranny recharge the DC cap in a 1/4 cycle??? If so, I would think you would be at 120BPS.

No. the mot voltage is too low and nothing is matched up. Just a "quick" system.

When you have a bunch of SISGs in series, and the voltage reaches a level where say one SISG fires, this results in a cascade firing of the other SIGSs. Question is, once the SIDACs fire on a subsequent SISG, how long does it take for the IGBT to turn on???

About 200nS.

Im wondering if the source to drain voltage can get beyond spec due to the cascading effect before the IGBT turns on.

It is a current series string. Unless they are all on there is no current and they are off.

Gerry R.

Hi, this is all very exciting!!!!!!!!
i wunder if using one of a bit lower voltage for the first sidac
in the string if that would speed up the triggering? sort of like pre biasing a transistor is what i am thinking?

It is biased up a little but that does not matter. When it fires, the gate charge currents are like 80 amps so it goes "real" fast ;-))

i am not up to speed on these new sidacs but they sure look like something worth playing with. cul brian f.

If they lasted longer than one good cycle, we would not need the IGBTs... They just can't do big currents in succession. The IGBT fixes that ;-)

