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SISG PIRANHA Charging Theory...

Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi All,

In interesting off list thing about how PIRANHA's charging circuit works and how little is understood about it :o))

Steve said:

"Terry, I never quite understood your voltage doubler charging arrangement."

"I" never quite understood how PIRANHA's charging works either :o)) The "computer" figured it out while I was randomly trying different things. But the actual coil does work just like the MicroSim model, so it "does" work.

Here is what I know:

The MOT voltage can be fairly low (like 105VAC) to help keep the MOT out of saturation.

The primary cap is fairly "resonant" with the MOT which helps charge the two 330nF caps up to 1.5X the voltage. The primary cap value is not super critical and 200 to 400nF seems to work pretty good too.

The system charges as a voltage doubler referenced to ground but discharges "floating". So the caps really don't discharge with respect to ground. Having the other cap discharge to a lower voltage helps the next cycle fire. It is almost "preserving" the firing voltage.

The BPS is pretty sensitive to the actual line voltage (variac). One can get from 60, 120, 240, "other" BPSs easily but it is touchy if you are trying to hit one exactly. Often the firing is fairly chaotic. ~240BPS seems like a nice area. The streamers "like" the higher BPS and the chaotic nature of the thing.

Here is a MicroSim model:


The firing rate at 106VAC input is ~220 BPS as shown here:


But look at those cap voltages!!!


The waveforms on the two caps are "messy" but they add up to the bottom waveform which is able to fire the 165nF combined capacitance at 220 BPS at 6900V!

Nothing really gets hot and the 100 ohm resistors just get a little warm. The system power is

220 x 1/2 165e-9 x 6900^2 = 864 watts.

The MicroSim model gives an RMS voltage of 106.066V and 9.668Arms:


So the VA is 1025.5.  If we look at the real input power:


We get 911.6 watts.  So the power factor is 88.9 Which is pretty good  :-D

The "loss" is 911.6 - 864 = 47.6 W The RMS current through the 100 ohm resistors is:


430mA so the power dissipation is 2 x 0.43^2 * 100 = 37 watts. That only leaves 10Watts on the IGBTs and primary resistance! 0.25 ohms there seems "high"! It is probably a little lower! The IGBTs stay "cold" in the fan breeze.

So there, now you know just as much about it as I do :-D It is a bazaar thing and it works super good!! But the charging stuff is not "easy" to comprehend. I hope to figure it out "someday" :-)

The PIRANHA is the only coil I use now and I have no desire to get out any of the others. Simple, light, never breaks, runs forever, and is a super good performer off a single happily running MOT. It is a scary coil in that it goes from dead silent to full power instantly, and it is loaded for bear!! ;-)))

Obviously, it is the greatest Tesla coil design on Earth :O) I should probably advertise it more, but it will come in its time ;-) It is a little tougher to get across since between the MOT and the coil, "nothing" is "conventional" at all... And I can still say that an SISG coil has "still" never blown up :-D

