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Re: grounding question

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi John,

Its sorta up to you. If you do use a counterpoise and choose to only ground it to RF ground, You will need to keep people away from it while the TC system is plugged in. If you do put a RF choke between the counterpoise (thats still RF grounded) and mains safety ground, you will need to make sure that a streamer doesn't hit a wall, ceiling, or something else that is earth grounded and not connected directly to the counterpoise else return current could come up the green wire and arc across the RF choke.

Gerry R.

Original poster: John <guipenguin@xxxxxxxxx>

Well moving back to when I asked my second question, I god mixed opinions on what should be done.

When you use a counterpoise which is connected to the base of the coil, should you install a RF choke to connect the counterpoise to mains safety ground? Yes or no.


On 10/16/06, Tesla list <<mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <<mailto:bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Gerry,

>If you or anyone else only connects the safety ground to the variac
>(or control panel) and dont connect it to the NST or  PIG chassis,
>or counterpoise (and many may not want to do this to protect their
>house wiring), then these items must be considered dangerous and off
>limits while the system is plugged in.

Exactly! Touch nothing that isn't "green grounded" unless power is off.