Ok, but I still don't understand why you're limited to 10 kVA
by seriesing the (2) 10 kVA transformers. Since volts/amps
is equal to volts x amps, with (2) 14.4 kV units in series, you
are indeed limited to the amperage output of a single one
(about .695 amps for a 10 kVA @ 14.4kV pig) but your
voltage output is still doubled - so 28.8 kv x .695 amps =
20 kVA. Just the same, when you parallel the same (2) 14.4
kV@ 10kVA pigs, you are limited to the voltage of a single one,
but the amperage is additive - 14.4 kV x 1.39 amps = 20 kVA.
The way I'm seeing it, the only thing that could be limiting your
power level to <20 kVA is the limit of your electrical service
or your ballasting. BTW, (10) 1/4 resistors will be able to han-
dle 2.5 watts collectively, although each individual resistor will
still only handle 1/4 watt. 100 of them would handle 25 watts
collectively while each individual resistor would still only handle
1/4 watt. Just like with the transformers, it dosen't matter if they
are in series or parallel, the total collective value is still going to be
the sum total of each individual unit.
Maybe someone else should share their view to settle this
issue -(Moderator Terry F., Bert H., Dr. R., ect.?) ;^)
David Rieben
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: 10kva pole pig needed with 29kv primary
> Original poster: BunnyKiller <bunnikillr@xxxxxxx>
> Hey David...
> yupperz Im following this thread..
> When placing transformers in either paralell or series ( similar to
> batteries for voltage applications) you get additive properties in
> either voltage or amperage depending on the setup.
> Lets consider that we are using just 2 equal types of transformers.
> In paralell, you get the same voltage ( considering the transformers
> are "identical") with twice the amperage draw and amperage out put
> 2 @ 14.4 KV @ 10KVA yields 14.4KV @ 20KVA
> In Series, you get twice the voltage output but the system will
> output ( in amps) what a single transformer is rated for without > damage..
> this setup yields 28.8KV @ 10KVA.
> If one tries to series 2 transformers of equal voltage but different
> KVA, the system is limited to the lower KVA unit....
> maybe this example will work... 10 100 ohm resistors in series have
> additive ohms but since they are all rated for 1/4W we now have a
> "larger ohm value" (1000 ohm) resistor but still only capable of 1/4W
> current the transformers can be considered "resistors" in the same
> and for those new to the list..
> the reason Im getting 30+KV out of this setup is because I have the
> variacs wired for 280 vac total output, which gives the piggie that
> extra boost...
> Gerry is correct... I dont have the "center tap/connection point
> between the 2 transformers" grounded... maybe I should consider doing
> hope this helped..
> Scot D
> Tesla list wrote:
> >Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> >Hi Gerry,
> >
> > >From what I gathered, Scot is running his pigs in a "piggy-back"
> >configuration - the second pig's input is riding on the 14.4 kV
> >output of the first one, leaving the "zero-volt" side of the second
> >pig "floating" at 14.4 kV, just as I suggested in my first posting
> >on this thread. That would definitely account for the corona
> >'hissing" coming from inside the pig. BTW, Scot also mentioned
> >that he took the guts of (2) 14.4 kV pigs and placed them both
> >in one pig tank. That would make for one really stuffed and heavy
> >piggie ;^) and would also explain the tight internal clearances for
> >the ~30 kV. If wired as you're suggesting, then each pig would
> >indeed only see its rated 14.4 kV in relation to ground and there
> >would be little if any internal "hissing" ;^)
> >
> >BTW, Scot, if you're following this, you stated in your previous
> >post that your double 10 kV pig was good for 30 kV at 10 kVA.
> >Wouldn't the (2) 10 kVA pigs now be good for 20 kVA? They
> >would put out twice the voltage as one pig with the same amper-
> >age if in series.
> >
> >David Rieben