Original poster: "Gary Peterson" <g.peterson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
The published charts in the archives work very well and should be consulted for the best cap value.
What are the URLs of these lookup charts?Are you referring to Ed Sonderman's Excel spreadsheet at http://www.pupman.com/programs/tesla.zip or one of the files indexed at http://www.pupman.com/howto/index.html ? If the latter, which of these files should be used to determe the proper size of the resonance value capacitor (RVC?), not the larger than resonance cap (LTRC) nor the smaller than resonance cap (STRC), for any given size high voltage power supply transformer ?
Original poster: "D.C. Cox" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>For a given size xmfr you should strive for the largest possible capacitance such that the energy going into the primary is as high as possible. If you run smaller than resonance --- yes it will work but you sacrifice output due to lower "bang" energy per shot. I usually use 1.5 x the calculated capacitive match for the transformer, ie, equal impedance cap value times 1.5 to determine cap size. The published charts in the archives work very well and should be consulted for the best cap value.Dr. Resonance