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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 16:22:45 +0000
From: David Rieben <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Dave, all,

Up until now, I have been totally quiet on this subject as I
don't have enough basisc knowledge of the subject at hand 
to argue pro or con. However, I am going to "bite" on this 
proposition and say that, "No, I do not, in fact know what a
STANDING WAVE is". I have seen it mentioned in the
"Man Out of Time" biography as well as some of Tesla's
own writings but have a very poor grasp of exactly what
was being referred to by this term. I assume that it has some-
thing to do with finding the perfect resonant rise with a Tes-
la coil's output to where power can be transferred over sig-
nificant distances with near 100% efficiency? Am I the only
list member who feels overwhelmed by this subject matter 
and am I also the only member who feels that this discussion
is going NOWHERE as well? Dave, you are convinced that
you have in fact created  standing waves with your coil setup
and I think any list member who has read a few of your postings
on this thread is well aware of that. However, most of the rest of 
the resident geniuses of this list are far more skeptical of your claim
and demand more in the way of proof. You mentioned that you
need to build a receiver and I would tend to agree that you are 
going to have to produce some readily repeatable and measure-
able concrete results that will speak for themselves in the pre-
sence of the most skeptical critics before your claims will be taken
with any substantial credence. A receiver may be your answer to
this dilemma. I'm ceratainly not saying that you haven't produced
standing waves, what ever they exactly are, but you are going to 
have to show some repeatable and probably practical results to
the rest of the scientific community before they will accept your
claim as gospel. 

Just my $0.0002 worth, 
David Rieben

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> 

> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 10:15:49 -0500 
> From: David Thomson 
> To: 'Tesla list' 
> Hi Ed, 
> > Many of us have looked at your pictures and find 
> > nothing other than what we would expect of the discharge of 
> > that upper terminal with the discontinuity around the middle; 
> > nothing to suggest standing waves. 
> But not one of you have produced your own photo demonstrating a 
> replication of the phenomenon. In your mind, you believe you have the 
> answer. But in reality, you have produced nothing. I have a physical 
> experiment and the theory to back it up. As for "nothing to suggest 
> standing wave," do you even know what a standing wave is? 
> Dave 
> David W. Thomson 
> Quantum AetherDynamics Institute 