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Re: ARSG Motors (fwd)

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Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 00:03:04 -0600
From: Gerry  Reynolds <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: ARSG Motors (fwd)

Hi Chris,

Many on the list do not recommend using a ARSG with a NST.  Apparantly, its 
too easy to kill the NST.  If you do try it,  it will be important to have 
the PPS high enough for your chosen tank cap so when a presentation is made 
with insufficient voltage to result in it firing, the extra time between 
firings wont be too long and allow excessive voltage rise.  I believe a 
spice simulation is an excellent way to verify this.  A 120BPS SRSG works 
great with NST's.

Gerry R.

> Subject: ARSG Motors
> Hello,
> Can anyone suggest reasonably fast (10000rpm+) and cheap motors for
> building a propeller-type ARSG?  I found some very cheap angle grinders
> ($5 a piece, $15 shipping, 11000rpm) on ebay, but they use 600W, which
> is more than I can support.  The motor doesn't have to be that cheap
> either.  The imposed total limit is 800W, and the power supply will be a
> 12/30 NST (360W).  Thanks a lot.
> Chris