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V11.1 for JAVATC (fwd)

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Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 12:33:56 -0700
From: Barton B. Anderson <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: V11.1 for JAVATC

Hi All,

I uploaded version 11.1 to replace V11.

(D.C., I'll send another CD).

I usually end up having to make a few updates after a version change.

All minor stuff.

Mainly, when using the Desired Coupling input (insert a coupling value 
and Javatc will position the primary in relation to the secondary to 
achieve that specific coupling), Helical coils ran "reaalllly slooooow". 
So, made it faster. No calc changes or anything of that sort.

When Javatc adjust coupling, it literally repositions the primary and 
evaluates the change (just like in the real world). As the angle changes 
from a flat coil (0 degrees) to a helical (90 degrees), the change in 
coupling is greater the greater the angle. Thus, there is an algorithm 
used to reduce the amount of change as based on the angle. It was 
previously just too aggressive, so I increased the change in position to 
increase the time to completion.

Also, the Recommended Cap Value as based on the primary inductance did 
not show up if the cap input was not entered. That is corrected. It did 
show up if you inserted a cap value however.

I also made some minor fixes to page positioning during a run and 
removed a couple error messages which were annoying to me for the RSG 
and Static Gap areas.

Web Link:

PC Download:

BTW, pc speed is directly proportional to crunch time. My Xp 2.8GHz P4 
laptop ran the default coil in 14.8 seconds. My Win98 old pc ran the 
default coil 5 times as slow (79 seconds). Processor speed makes a big 

Take care,