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Re: [TCML] Large Plsma Tube
The tube has to be fully vented to the air every time. If you keep a
vacuum in the tube it may slowly suck the oil out of the vac pump and
into the tube --- a big mess. Ask me how I know.
We usually pump for 10 min and then shut off the valve going to the
pump. A second value allows us to bleed air into the tube very slowly
with a precision Hoke 10 turn valve. We always start with high vac so
the rings are visible, and then go to bright pink which is near atm
Dr. Resonance"
You don't have a valve in the line from the pump to the tube??
"Fool me once, etc." Learned that one 50 years ago with an old Cency
Hyvac pump with lousy seals. Did you ever get the tube clean?
By "rings" do you mean striations?
How hot does your tube get during operation and what kind of ballast
do you use with it when you feed it from a high power transformer?
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