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Re: [TCML] Q

Hi there (gotta name?),

I screwed that up, didn't I. My fault.

What I was trying to get across was that for a given cycle the peaks will be higher with higher Q (more energy per cycle). As more energy is transferred, the energy supplied will diminish quicker and there "will be" fewer cycles required to transfer the energy, and during those transfer cycles, the Q is higher "because" losses are lower.

High Q means low loss in my book of reasoning. I think we all know high Q is desirable. What isn't understood (I think) is that to attain highest possible Q, the losses in the system must be minimized.

Take care,

yes it does effect the number of cycles.  if ur loseing a lot of energy each cycle the circuit will quickly wind down.  in the limit the circuit is "dead beat."
by now,
Barton B. Anderson wrote:
Q in an electrical resonant circuit is simply a ratio of energy lost during a cycle. It does not affect the number of cycles but the response curve of each cycle (energy per cycle). The lower the Q, the greater the energy lost during that cycle in the impedances of the system (conductor, dielectric, whatever). Higher Q systems transfer more energy per cycle. The time of transfer does not change. What changes is the energy transfered over that time.

Take care,

on the subject of Q, what i wanted to say wont help you, at least directly, but it helps one to get a physical notion of what Q means. in mathematical terms the Q of the system is ( Qp x Qs ) / ( Qp + Qs). so you see this additional mess, and you wonder what now does Q of the system mean? Q physically is how many cycles your coupled system will oscillate when "struck" with an electrical pulse. no different that ringing a bell or hitting a drum. A system with a Q of 100; will oscillate 100 cycles as it dies out exponentially. a bell with a high Q will ring a long time before it finally damps out. a crummy bell; say like the goverment may build, out of wood; will be very low in Q, and just be "dead beat," and go "thump" when you ring it. A high Q (as Antonio suggests) in the primary is where the rubber meets the road. you want a high Q so your energy can be used effeciently as many cycles are required to transfer the primary caps energy into the self-capacity of the secondary. lots of cycles are required because the coupling is low (say 0.12). on the other hand if one uses the thin spiral strip winding submerged in oil; a coupling of 0.6 or 0.54 can be used without arcing occuring. when you start to use the thin spiral strip winding very interesting things will begin to happen. the best way to put it is: take off your shoes, for now you walk on holy ground.
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