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Re: [TCML] pole xfmr - Information Unlimted
Hi DC, all,
It is very regretful to hear of Bob's misfortune. I have
heard many negative comments on IU's product line
and business ethics and I have had some negative ex-
periences with IU myself, although my experiences
were't near as bad as some others are reporting. I pur-
chased the BTC1 coil kit from IU back in the mid to late
1980's and it worked fine although I never was able to
get the claimed 10" to 12" discharges. I got more like 6"
to 7". Of course I didn't purchase the additional 8"x3" to-
roid, which was not included in the kit $$. Of course I did
have problems with the little OBIT transformer burning out,
but that was probably my fault from opening the adjustable
SG too wide. I didn't know any better at the time. I also
made a bigger purchase from them in the early 1990s
and got their 10 kV, 500 mA current limited transfor-
mer, designed for their BTC5 coil. That set me back a
pretty penny and it burned out within about 1 minute of
firing my big RSG drieven coil of that time ;^(( So yes,
that was a truly negative experience for me with IU but
I still hadn't learned about PROPER primary circuit pro-
tection at that time, either. Still, I would have thought that
this transformer should have been a bit more robust than
that. The real gripe that I have had with IU is their
inflated pricing, as it has always been outrageous IMO
Of course, they were the only decent source of TC related
materials that I knew of at that time, too, so I they kind
of had a monopoly on this type of product line. That's the
reason that I purchased from IU at that time.
I do, however, echo Bart Anderson in wishing Bob Ianinni
the best and remembering him in our prayers and am truly
saddened by the regretful news of his misfortune.
David Rieben
----- Original Message -----
From: "resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] pole xfmr - Information Unlimted
Bob Ianinni, owner of Info Unltd, will not be back on the list for some
time. He was involved in a very severe auto accident a few months ago
that left him paralyzed from the waist down. He is in a wheel chair, and
recently had a heart attack and stroke. He is not in good shape and may
not survive.
I also recently spoke with him regarding the past quality of some of his
kits. He said he is aware of those problems and has now corrected them
all. He said every kit they offer has now been built and tested in his
lab. He offers no kits that do not work properly.
Bob also said in many cases people would substitute different parts for
the recommended parts in his parts list, and then complain because
something didn't work.
I'm not defending any prior non working kits, just bringing everyone on
this list up to date on his problems and his attempts to rectify poor past
performance of his companies kits.
Dr. Resonance
Resonance Research Corp.
Tesla mailing list