[Original Message]
From: <FutureT@xxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 12/14/2007 2:29:09 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Form materials, losses, carbon tracking, sealing
In a message dated 12/14/2007 4:21:41 P.M. US Eastern Standard Time,
btmeehan@xxxxxxxxx writes:
Thanks a lot for the info guys, that helps a lot - I heard someone mention
using concrete forms. If I remember, those were made of very thick
cardboard? Since I have heard several people talk about it - I imagine that
it is reasonably resistant to lighting on fire when it gets strikes?
I had been looking at a model rocketry site that sells fiberglass forms, and
even does custom work. Would I be better off with cheaper PVC or concrete
forms, or would the lower loss tangent of fiberglass be worth something?
(granted, most of the loss tangent numbers I have seen are in the MHz or GHz
region, so kHz is probably not a problem with most materials)
(loss tangents)
I would avoid those paper concrete forms. Some of them have strange
lossy materials in them. Some are OK though. Losses in PVC are
not an issue for Tesla coils, but they are subject to carbon tracking
when bad racing sparks or flashovers occur. Probably the most common
material used for secondary forms is PVC. Heating and sealing the PVC
is said to be beneficial but I never bothered with those procedures.
My TT-42, and TT-32 coils both use PVC forms.
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