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Re: VTTC from Eimac 8755 on eBay

Original poster: westland <westland@xxxxxx>

Well, no one seems to be bidding on these at $150 ... you have the option to make your own offer price ... why not try $50 a tube and see if he bites

I was wondering about that extension tube at the bottom ... I've never seen an 833 in the flesh ... you'd need a socket with a donut hole in the center.

Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: "Steve Ward" <steve.ward@xxxxxxxxx>

Can anyone comment on the long tube of glass sticking out of the
bottom of those 833s?  Looks like a big PITA to hande, since that
would obviously be a very good point to break the glass.

Also, $150 is too much money, even for a new 833.  You can get a penta
833A for 90 bucks, or an 833C penta for 95 last i recall (search for
penta tubes).  Or, even RF parts has pretty similar prices, both under
$100 for each type of tube (taylor tubes).  I dont know if the amperex
brand is really worth the extra money for any reason, particularly for
a hobby where the tube will likely never be run for its entire
lifetime spec.
