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Re: [PHISH] RE: Tungsten,2% Thoriated or Pure?
Original poster: "Teslacoil Workshop" <workshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
A better read IMO would be:
Be familiar with what is contained on the MSDS Sheets of every material that
goes into the construction of your special effects device before selling to
a major corporation. They not understand when they find something
"radioactive" in your product despite your every attempt to reassure them
with your "science" that the material in question is only "a little"
radioactive. For every scientist in an organization there is also a lawyer
(or two).
Don't be a player hater guys... Do your best to understand that the
infrequency of my comments (and perhaps Bill's too) is related on how often
I feel dismissive sarcasm to the advice I give. Perhaps part of the problem
may be my style. I am a director; I tell people exactly what to do and then
I pay them for doing it. I'm not used to flak and the Internet in general
seems to be 60% flak.
Perhaps the direction of the group has decidedly gone "hobby only" and my
point of view is looked upon as that of "the man". Realize that I was a
Tesla coil hobbyist for most of my life and I feel I can "give back" to the
community by providing a professional perspective in hope that more of you
will choose a similar career path.
BTW... Two million, five hundred thousand people so far have seen the Fear
Factor Live Show at Universal Studios Hollywood that features 3 meter arcs
from the SG10-TC as the show centerpiece and grand finale.
TENS of millions have seen Bill Wysock's Tesla coils at the Earthquake
feature at the same theme park. Now THAT'S street cred guys...
> Original poster: Mike <megavolts61@xxxxxxxxx>
> OK.....so if you grind them into points as welders do...wear a
> freakin dust mask.......oh...and don't use them in California...or
> you'll get cancer.
> Mike