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Re: magnetrons as diodes
Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Original poster: HomerLea@xxxxxxx
I couldn't pass this one up. 40+ years I built a Cockroft-Walton
voltage multiplier using 8020 and 705A tubes. At one point testing it
the plates on the 8020s turned red so I thought "oops, better turn it
off". Nothing was damaged; don't get a second chance like that with
solid state. The tubes also make for a lot more interesting looking
device. I still have piles of the tubes so if I live long enough I
hope to construct another CW multiplier.
Jim Heagy, old fashion fan of tubes"
As an "old tube guy" in all regards I'm constantly reminded that
transistors give up without a whimper but tubes always put up a good
fight no matter how you abuse them! Of course, you do need a
filament supply (several in a CW) and 1N4007's don't and they are
awfully cheap......................