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Re: PVC w/ H2O
Original poster: Gomez Addams <gomezaddams@xxxxxxxxx>
On Jan 13, 2007, at 7:44 PM, Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: "Jim Mora" <jmora@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Somewhere in the archives is a loss table for different types of
coil forms.
I think maybe Richard Quick compiled them. I any case, PVC does become
pretty lossey in the high freq spectrum.
Oh, absolutely! I recently had to come up with a VERY low loss
radome for 5.3 GHz. The only thing that was acceptable was thin
polyethylene. Teflon would have been fine, but it's a bear to form,
and I had to have a closed-end cylinder. I wound up using the bottom
of a 1 gallon vinegar jug! Its presence was almost undetectable on
the network analyzer.
My coil forms are coated 1/8" PVC.
I have used the super thin-wall stuff (thinner than 1/8" even at 6"
diameter) and "foam-core" (sort of, not really, but a lot of people
call it that) DWV 1/8" or so for really large forms (12" diameter or
so). Some day, I want to do a materials comparison of my own... some
I think the process of coating with polyurethane helps lesson the
amount of
loss as well.
It's possible. I haven't thought about it much. PVC being utterly
nonexistent to magnetic fields, the loss has to be due to the
electric field component. Perhaps super-insulation helps that.
Polystyrene is very cheap for smallish coils and is very low loss
if you are
in the high frequencies. I have a 4" form of this type for my
future VTTC.
I have never seen styrene tubing. Will have to think about that next
- B(G)L
Al Queda doesn't have to conquer us, we'll
impose martial law on ourselves, thank you.