Original poster: Mddeming@xxxxxxx
To these existing caveats, let me add that most good acoustic
insulation is also good thermal insulation and an overheated gap
does not quench properly.
Matt D.
In a message dated 1/28/07 4:50:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
tesla@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
Original poster: <davep@xxxxxxxx>
> Has anyone ever tried to make things a little quieter when running your
> coil?
This was standard problem/issue in early wireless stations.
> I was looking at the muffler on my central vacuum unit and it has a
> muffler that quiets the unit by about 50%. Borrowing from that idea, I
> was thinking about building a box lined with some type of foam with
> openings on each end.
Commonly, in the old days, the gap was enlosed for sound
suppression, especially when high poweres were used.
Sometimes 'in its own room'.
A point to Ponder is that many sorts of foam are Highly
Flammable. (cf the Station Night Club fire.) I'd be
real careful, in picking. Perhaps 'fiberglass insulation'?