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RE: 1 gap rotary spark gap (fwd)
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Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:38:21 +0000
From: Jeff Behary <jeff_behary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: 1 gap rotary spark gap (fwd)
Hey Scott,
I have tried this too with limited success as the others. But Tesla did use
the concept successfully with a mercury based gap (interrupter) in Patent
609, 248:
created based on patent:
I attempted to make this 3D. Tesla used a fan of glass, mica, or refractory
materials that spun from the centrifugal force of mercury being spun around
in a cast iron cylinder. (like the liquid in blender that rises on the
outside of the container - if you spin the container instead the same thing
will happen). In Tesla's design a tube was placed internally on bearings
that was held by in place by gravity using a large iron weight while
container spinning caused the mercury to rise and spin on the internal walls
of the container - causing the insulating fan to revolve rapidly and the
mercury to rise upward and get channeled to flow through the tube creating a
liquid mercury jet that would make contact with the mercury layer rising on
the internal wall of the cast iron container to "make" the circuit (liquid
to liquid contact), the insulating fan blocking the stream from hitting the
container to "break" the circuit.
His patent describes it much better than me. Hopefully the color photos
will aid with his description!
The original "circuit controller" would have been used with a self-induction
coil (large electromagnet) instead of a transformer...likely powered from
110 or 220V. They typically could interrupt 5 or 10 amps continuously
without any problems...however Tesla's later designs could handle much more
current, with break rates as high as 10,000 BPS or more. For these later
designs the insulating disc was removed and the merucry-mercury "makes" were
made by multiple converging jets rather than a jet to the container wall.
I didn't get a chance to finish these later designs in Solidworks, but I
still may post some of them unfinished for interest. The designs were
brilliant! Tesla was over a century ahead of his time in developing high
speed high current switching devices. Imagine interrupting 220V at 20 amps+
10,000 times a second with back-emfs reaching 1000 - 4000V or more...all
with something about the size of a 50 pk spindle of CDs!
Jeff Behary, c/o
The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum