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RE: Double Throw Spark Gap (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 23:11:10 -0600
From: S&JY <youngs@xxxxxxxxx>
To: 'Tesla list' <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Double Throw Spark Gap (fwd)
Running a coil in a dorm room is going to be a challenge, especially since
you won't have a very good ground. Consider building a twin Tesla Coil,
meaning two separate coils with the primaries connected in series. Each
primary will only have half the inductance of a single coil setup.
Why do this? 1) The streamers are more controlled - they jump between the
two coils and not to walls and ceilings; 2) you get longer streamers for a
given power level; and 3) each coil acts like a counterpoise to the other
one, ideal where you don't have access to a good ground. For safety,
connect the bottoms of both secondaries to each other and the best ground
you can get, even if it is just your power ground. As long as the streamers
jump between the two coils and not to other stuff, you will not inject much
electrical noise or impulses into the ground.
You really ought to try to find another place than a dorm room to run your
coil(s). It is bound to interfere with TVs and radios that are close by
(like adjacent dorm rooms), and you may end up with complaints and be told
you can't run your coils. Besides, very soon you will want to crank up the
power beyond what is allowed in your dorm!
--Steve Y.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 7:17 AM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Double Throw Spark Gap (fwd)
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Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 23:46:38 -0500
From: Crispy <crispy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Double Throw Spark Gap (fwd)
Also, I have another question somewhat unrelated to this thread, but
goes along with the University limits. I obviously need an RF ground,
but I'm not allowed to pound anything into the ground. So, I need a
counterpoise. I have virtually no idea on what is acceptable here. Is
a 1ft x 1ft square covered in the middle with many layers of chicken
wire acceptable?
Chris B aka. Crispy