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Re: Tesla's wiring? (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 19:01:27 +0800
From: Peter Terren <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Tesla's wiring? (fwd)

I have discussed synesthesia with Dr Wally Knezevic who is a neurologist and 
chairman of the Tesla Forum of Western Australia who has a number of cases. 
I personally have only had one. It is fascinating stuff.  Try to imagine a 
pink sound rolling across the room....  I think a significant proportion of 
patients conceal this as it is just too crazy to explain

At the occasion of the 150th anniversary Tesla conference in WA, there was a 
talk given on Tesla's neurology/psychology which addressed this.  If I 
recall it was given by the professor of engineering.  I recognised his name 
and recalled that I lent him a calculator for his final exams some 30 years 
ago. I reminded him thinking he would have forgotten this. "Yep, it was a 
HP45". He topped his year of course.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 22:41:33 EDT
> From: Mddeming@xxxxxxx
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Tesla's wiring?
> Of Note:
>    Some neurologists and psychologists believe, based  on Tesla's
> descriptions of his own perceptions, (e.g. looking at certain  shapes 
> caused him pain,
> different sounds evoked certain images, "more real than  reality" etc. ) 
> that
> Tesla had a condition known as synesthesia. In this  condition, believe to 
> be
> caused by some "cross-wiring" in the sensory processing  areas of the 
> brain,
> some people can hear colors, taste sounds, perceive certain  numbers or 
> words as
> having specific colors, etc., (even when not "living better  through
> chemistry" %^)). This mixed perception may explain some of Tesla's  odd 
> affectations,
> and may have been used to advantage by Tesla in his creative  process.
> Matt D.