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Re: [TCML] Salient Pole Query

----- Original Message ----- From: "G Hunter" >
How did you make the flats with an angle grinder?  Did you mount the
grinder or the rotor in some sort of jig? Did you try to balance the rotor,
or does a small imbalance matter?

Hi Greg, I drew some layout lines on the rotor before I started with a sharpie and a little square. The first line was in the middle of where I wanted to make the flat. Aside of this were a series of parallel lines, at about 1/4 inch intervals; these gave me a reference while grinding so that I would cut in a straight line, and that the flat would be parallel and along the same axis as the shaft.

As for the setup, I just stuck the rotor in a vise with the section to be "flattened" pointing up and went at it. It's pretty slow going, so you don't have to be too careful about overshooting, just take a few grinds, set back and examine your work, then repeat. Once you get the motion down it's a breeze.

As for balance, I didn't do anything in that respect other than to try my best to make each flat the same width, and didn't have a problem with it.

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