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RE: [TCML] First ever Pig SISG.... inadvertently
The filter will smooth the pulses and the SISG will turn on, but not off.
If it was a pure DC based coil, then you would want filtering.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
>Of Scott Bogard
>Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 5:20 PM
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [TCML] First ever Pig SISG.... inadvertently
>Mark and Phil,
> I don't know anything about SISG, but if I understand Phil's setup
>he has no filter cap on his rectifier. Would that not lead to phasing
>problems if he got his bps around 120, just like a sync AC gap, or does
>something else come into play that causes that to be a moot factor (or
>does he have a filter cap and I misunderstood, or does a filter cap make
>no difference). Also do you need a charging choke for an SISG coil?
>Please excuse my ignorance!
>Scott Bogard.
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