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Re: [TCML] Gaps
I only built one TCBOR gap.
I simply drilled the holes in the copper couplings
larger than my brass bolts. That allowed me to set the
first one parallel with the PVC pipe. After that, I
simply adjusted the gap, then tightened the bolts. No
epoxy necessary. It also allow maximum adjustability
with a rock solid electrical connection.
--- bartb <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As mentioned, use high temp epoxy. If the electrodes
> get hot enough to
> melt the epoxy or pvc, then it's running too hot
> anyway. Bigger fan!
> I think it was one of Terry Fritz static gaps that
> used epoxy. That's
> when I thought "good idea"!
> Mounting wires was easy. I just drilled a through
> hole at the end of the
> pipe and used a screw to attach the wire. I don't
> like alligator clips.
> I prefer a solid connection.
> Take care,
> Bart
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